A grant is a source of funding that you, as the student, do not have to repay. Grants are available through the federal government, the state government, the university or an outside organization. Typically, grants are based on financial need, but there may be other qualifying criteria. Any grant funding listed on your financial aid offer is automatically posted to your account. For federal, state or Temple grant eligibility, start by completing your FASFA.
Federal Grants
You may receive a federal Pell Grant and/or Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) if you have a qualifying expected family contribution determined by the FAFSA. Federal grants are awarded to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Keep in mind that a federal grant alone will not cover the total cost of your tuition or education-related expenses.
Pennsylvania State Grants
If you are a Pennsylvania state resident then you may be eligible for the Pennsylvania state grant if you have a qualifying expected family contribution as determined by PHEAA.
Non-Pennsylvania State Grants
If you are attending Temple from a state other than Pennsylvania, then you may be able to receive a grant from your home state at the university. You can check with your home state’s education department to determine if they permit you to use a state grant at Temple University.
Temple Grants
You may be eligible for a Temple University Grant. Temple University grants are university-funded, need-based grants for full-time (12 credits or more) undergraduate students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. The amount of the grant can change year to year as your expected family contribution from the FAFSA changes year to year, or as other grants and scholarships are added to your financial aid funding offer.